About Us

Discovery is our middle name :-)

What is BioSeq Consulting?

BioSeq is a bioinformatics company that translates omics data into informative knowledge by providing quality high-throughput sequencing data analysis. We organize public workshops and conduct on-site training on demand.

We also offer custom bioinformatics solutions for the healthcare, biotech and pharma industry


Intensive training portfolio that covers the entire analytical landscape for life science.


Excellent analytical services on big NGS datasets. Workflows include RNA-Seq, variant discovery and annotation. 

Data Science

Excellent analytical services in big biomedical data. Workflows include machine learning, statistics 


To advance genomics and bioinformatics knowledge by translating omics data into
informative knowledge through provision of high quality data analysis and


To deliver quality genomics and bioinformatics services for medical and life
scientists globally.

Our core values

Quality Services

The experience and expertise of our scientists allows us to quickly identify customer’s needs, personalize our service, and help our customer reach their research objectives.

Scientific Innovation

We encourage innovation in genetics, genomics and bioinformatics because we recognize these as strategic and sustainable fields that will benefit living organisms especially humans and animals.


We are always committed to bring the best out of your data. To achieve this, we place our customer at the center of everything we do. Above all, we approach everything with a “can do attitude” to go the extra mile to get the job done timely.

Ready to learn more?

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